BobbyPin Mobile App
All your favourite places in one place!
Stray Boots, New York I 2015
Branding, Mobile and Desktop UX/UI Design
Branding, UX/UI Design, App, Website, InVision
Project Description:
Some places create attachments. People love them and want to recommend them. BobbyPin helps to share the places you love with the people you love. It’s a useful app to keep track of your favourite places by easily dropping pins as you travel and have all your favourite places, in one spot. In a nutshell, it was an Instagram for your favourite locations.
Role & Team:
Brand and UI/UX Designer. Worked closely with the CEO, Marketing Manager & Software Developer (Avi Millman, Sarah Thompson, Jason Wong)
Further Reading:
InVision,Twitter, Instagram
How do we make saving places easy and fun?
Creating a Brand Voice
Using the concept of a location pin, we created a character that would be relatable, friendly and positive. The flexibility of the pin shape allowed us to insert images of the various cities. We used the shape to communicate the 8 special days. The simple shape with a curve the desired “Smiling Pin” effect. The dominant colours were teal and orange. We used bold and vibrant secondary colours to communicate the various “days”.
Mapping the Journey
The complex app was divided in 5 high level sections - My maps, Browse, Adding Pins, My Profile, Settings.
Visualising the App (Mobile + Desktop)
The UI design had to be delightful. Teal was used as the primary colour throughout the app. Orange was used for call-to-actions.