New York University Lead
What makes great leaders?
New York University, New York I 2015
Infographics, Poster
Project Description:
New York University (NYU) approached me about a new venture they were launching - NYU Lead. The core belief of the project was “Leadership is the process of working ethically and inclusively to invent the future”. The brief stated common threads that serve as foundational assumptions about leadership:
• Leadership is contextual and dynamic
• It develops over time
• Is distributed across a system
• Has individual and collective dimensions
Role & Team:
Graphic Designer working closely with the client Design Director & VP Student Affairs. (Mark Courtney, Bethany Godsoe)
Further Reading:
NUY Leadership Initiative
How to communicate effective leadership?
Guiding Assumptions and Context
Today’s world requires moving beyond the traditional image of a leader as singularly heroic or charismatic to investing in and facilitating leadership as a collective achievement. This is leadership that is inclusive and distributed. It draws on diversity and difference to achieve shared purpose. Fostering leadership for this new era requires developing a different set of skills — based more on listening than knowing, engaging than directing, humility than arrogance
Outcomes and Goals
The Initiative seeks to produce two ultimate outcomes:
NYU students and graduates engage in ethical and inclusive leadership that addresses critical challenges in their fields and communities locally, nationally and globally
NYU as an institution and members of its faculty, administrators, students and alumni are recognized as thought leaders in the area of leadership, and as national and international leadership resources
Leadership Capacities
Below are the required capacities for ethical and inclusive leadership as defined above.
• Knowing yourself to engage effectively with others,
• Making sense of complexity to create a shared vision, and
• Taking action with others to achieve results